Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Standing Firm

Going on are still problems that still must be solved. I've just discovered that as high as 1/3 of Americans have Pre-Diabetes Syndrome. Why is that? The reason is that now obesity is at high levels, people exercise less, and many American eat more sugar filled foods. Especially, genetically modified foods can cause serious destructive consquences for human beings. That's why many European nations have banned genetically modified foods from their own markets. Dr. Dominique Beroule cite allegeries and pesticides produced from GM foods. Many animals like pigs and cows trying to eat GM corn and other foods reject it outright. So, why would us humans eat it. We shouldn't and try to eat organic foods. The World Cancer Report, the most comprehensive global examination of the disease to date, tells that if radical changes aren't done, cancer rates can increase by 50% by 2020. It's all nothing more than poison. Poisons are in our water supply, air, and in our foods.

AP on May 31, 2006 had Israel's UN Ambassador Dan Gillerman saying that WWIII has begun. Gillerman said it's between the West and the axis of evil (i.e. Iran, al-Qaeda, etc.) In truth, certain people want it to be a real world war. I don't believe in a lust for war. I believe war should only come in a legitimate resort and both parties ought to ask peacefully as much as possible to get solutions done. Peaceful solutions can decrease the bloodshed that will surely occur as a result of wars. I also want to add that the US/NATO bombings of Serbia was just as wrong as the invasion of Iraq. Both nations posed no threat to us. Even before both configuations, sanctions were dumped against the Iraqi civilians. Thousands of Iraqi people died as a result of the sanctions, yet ex-US Secretary of State M. Albright said that those sanctions were worth it. Madeline Albright is covering up here statements now, but she should of know full well to not mention those digusting, insensitive comments. She is now promoting a book claiming that George W. Bush is some religious conservative. The truth is that Bush is part of the occult Skulls and Bones plus Bohemian Grove, he said the Muslims and Christians worship the same god, he supports amnesty, and he doesn't want Roe v. Wade to be banned. That isn't being a social conservative to me. She is part of the establishment promoting division along political lines just like Bush is. I can debate her and refute her on these points as well. The Supreme Court recently in a 5 to 4 decision that people who are to be a whistleblower aren't protected by the First Amendment.
I see the emergence of the neo-liberals. These are liberals who support globalization and some even support the invasion and further occupation of Iraq. One famous magazines endorsing this view is called "The Nation." I saw one neo-liberal named Peter Beinart of The New Republic. Beinhart's arguments are so popular, because most American's don't want the policy of endless war to end "terrorism."

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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