Thursday, July 26, 2007

Eric Jon Phelp's word from years ago


Posted By: GUEST <Send E-Mail>

Date: Tuesday, 4 June 2002, 6:51 p.m.
Date: Tue, 04 Jun 2002 12:29:13 -0700 From: "Ron Garon" <> [add to address book] [add to spam block list] Subject: Ron's / Eric's APFN posting on Jesuit Order Organization: Lycos Mail ( To: Reply To:
Note from Ron:

As I have helped Mrs. Rivera since the passing on of Dr. Alberto Rivera on June 20, 1997, I can tell you that all of this information that you are reading now concerning Jesuit CIA MKULTRA Mind Control Programming, and worldwide Ecumenical and secular conspiracy and complicity... is the truth, and what I have witnessed and seen concerning what Dr. Rivera suffered to tell this truth, is legitimate; and how the 1655 KJV AV bible that Dr. Rivera procured from the Vatican Archives, brought to America and preserved since the Inquisitions, which has through history been surpressed, and how absolutely staunchly militant and controlling the Jesuit Order is and since the Illuminist inception of The Jesuit Order, Illuminati, CIA, all being in harmony and agreement as to the identity of "The Order", (Founded by Ignatius of Loyola).
We are quickly moving into the biblical time of Revelation and the judgment of "The Great Whore", "The Beast" which deceived all nations of the earth with the wine and wrath of her fornications. Politically and Religiously. "Come Out of Her My People" Rev 18:4.
Ron Garon
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2002 12:24:37 -0700 From: "Eric Jon Phelps" <> [add to address book] [add to spam block list] Subject: Response To: <>

Dear Henry,

A most excellent article. I might add that the World Bankers are controlled by the Jesuit General via Shriner Freemasonry and the Knights of Malta. Pope John Paul II is a Bilderberger and controls the group through such notorious Knights of Malta as William F. Buckley, Jr. Both the Arab Palestinian leaders and Zionist Jewish leaders of Israel are controlled by the Papal Caesar in Rome. General Anthony Zinni (Ret. USMC) is the mediator between Sharon and Arafat. Zinni is a Knight of Malta just like his cohort in crime, the Georgetown Jesuit trained CIA
Indeed, both the Moslem Palestinians and the Jewish People are being used as pawns in the Papal game. I believe that when the Dome of the Rock is destroyed during this present war enabling the Temple to be rebuilt, then the Palestinian agitation will be laid to rest one way or another.
Sincerely in Faith,
Brother Eric Jon Phelps Author, Vatican Assassins: "Wounded In The House Of My Friends"


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