Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Eric on Islam

Note by Me: I don't agree with the racial views of Eric, but he's accurate on Islamic history.

By Timothy


Dear Troy,

The Jesuits and their Knights of Malta ruling both European leaders and the Islamic leaders via Freemasonry and other Pope-serving secret societies, especially the Freemasonic Saudis, have, for the last 40 years, been the movers behind the mass-immigration of Moslems into Europe---and the US. These Moslems have then in turn been used by the papacy for specific ends. They are:

1. To finish Pope Pius XII's Eurasian Jewish Holocaust by driving European Jews out of Europe (especially France, where the IBM Hollerith machines were not used by the Gestapo according to Edwin Black in his work, IBM and the Holocaust),many of whom have returned to Israel. The Jesuit/Papacy's use of its "sword of Islam" in Europe will finally rid Roman Catholic Europe of its Jews, while bringing the "curse" of Genesis 12:1-3 upon the Arab Moslems of Europe. We need to remember that the essential doctrines of Romanism and Islam are IDENTICAL since Islam was created by Roman Catholic Augustinian priests in North Africa in the Seventh Century AD and has been used as the "sword of Rome" against "heretics and liberals" for centuries. Some examples are:

A. The destruction of the Arian, non-papal Christian Visigoths in Spain and Portugal and subsequent 900-year occupation of Hispania (712-1609), as the Visigoths had been serious enemies of Rome, sacking the city in 410 AD. The Visigoths had also been tolerant of the Jews in their lands until Visigoth King Redarado I became Roman Catholic forcing his people away from Arianism into pagan Roman Catholicism. The Visigoth leadership, now a tool of Rome, then began to persecute the Jews bringing on the Genesis 12:3 Abrahamic "curse" of God in the form of foreign invasion in 712 AD---the Pope's sword of Islam;

B. The capturing and sacking of the "heretic" Christian Orthodox capital of Constantinople in 1453 AD, the wealthiest city in Europe known as "the Second Rome." Islam's conquering of Constantinople finished the work of Pope Innocent III's Fourth Crusade during which the "Crusaders" sacked the city in 1204 AD, the city recovering thereafter only to be taken once and for all in 1453 AD. Constantinople became the capitol of the Ottoman Empire while Rome became the most important city in Roman Catholic Europe, the Pope increasing in his Spiritual and Temporal power and Sultan Mehmed II becoming the master of the Islamic world . Clearly, Islam was an enemy of Orthodox Christianity founded in 1054 AD, but, Islam, from 718 AD (with its subjugation of Hispania overthrowing the Kingdom of the Visigoths---at this time the Sultan refusing to give Jerusalem to the Pope---to the defeat of Sulieman the Magnificant at the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571), was out of the control of the papacy. Thus, from the Jesuit Order's defeat of Sulieman in 1571 to the present day, Islam began to be more and more under the sway of Rome. From about the time the Order used Napoleon to destroy the Mamluks, the bodyguard of the Sultan of Cairo, during his invasion of Egypt (called "The Battle of the Pyramids") in 1798 to the present, the Order has been in control of Islam via Islamic-Freemasonic lodges of Cairo and Constantinople/Istanbul.

C. The contiunal wars against the Orthodox Slavic Serbs, especially during the 1940s fighting with Himmler's SS and during the 1990s when fighting alongside the Roman Catholic Croats guided by American Roman Catholic generals.

D. The mass-murder of about 2 million Spaniards during Jesuit/Opus Dei Franco's Spanish Civil War (1936-39), Franco having been aided by 40,000 Moslem troopers to rape and kill anti-Jesuit Spanish "heretics and liberals."

E. The continual murder of Jews in Israel during Rome's never ending Israeli-Arab Conflict, remembering that Abrahamic/Hebrew race has bibilcal promises to inherit (Isaiah 11).

F. The continual murder of Arabs (Moslem and "Christian") in the Arab world as that Abrahamic/Arab race of Ishmael/Esau has bibilcal promises to inherit (Isaiah 19).

G. The Islamic Young Turks mass-murdering of 2 million Armenian Orthodox Christians during WWI;

H. The Islamic Young Turks mass-murdering of 750,000 Assyrian Orthodox Christians during WWI;

I. The Freemasonic Sultan of Turkey, Mehmet V, working with Knight of Malta King George V to transfer Jerusalem from the Ottoman Empire into the hands of the British Army in 1917 facilitating the re-establishment of the pope's "Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem" in 1948 i.e., Israel, remembering that not one shot was fired when Freemasonic Allenby took Jerusalem;

J. The conducting of wars against the "heretic" Shia Moslems beginning with the CIA/MI6 removal of nationalist Mosadeq in Iran in 1953 and extending to this present hour, all financed by Sunni Moslem Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and UAE hosting Dubai.

For the last 200 years, Islam has been in the lap of Rome; its greatest nationalist leaders murdered (like Saudi Arabian King Faisal in 1975); and its people mass-murdered by each other in the tens of millions---all to the delight and benefit of the Jesuit-ruled Roman Papacy. And now, for the grand finale, the Jesuits are using their Islamic slaves deliberately brought into Western Europe and North America to unite the victimized, angry Whites of Europe and North America into right-wing Jesuit fascism, the Moslems then to be rounded up and delightfully massacred in concentration camps by the White victims and relatives of Islamic rape, theft and murder---incited by the Pope's International Intellgence Community including the CIA/FBI and the British SIS/MI5.

Sincerely in faith,

Brother Eric


The Roman Empire attempted to created a one world-wide church, which is why it was named "Catholic" which means "universal".

In pre-Islamic times in arabia worship was worshipping idols and spirits, found in animals, plants, rocks and water. Ancient Arabs believed in several major gods and goddesses.
Long before the birth of Mohammed people worshiped the lunar deity some called Allah.

Islam originally was born from largely nominal various Christians sects within the Middle East belt and from the Catholic Church' fear of not having the the upper hand and control from the other christian churches.

Mohammed came to be a prophet because he had heard Christians and Jews expound their religious views in Mecca.
Islam did not grow up in a vacuum. It was Khadijah's parental cousin, Waraqah ibn Nawfal a Nestorian Christian, who enforce the idea of Muhammad's prophet-hood. Waraqah was a pagan turned into a Christian monk

Why would Catholics need another prophet or religion? Because Catholicism was not speaking to the Bedouin of the deserts and everyone was not accepting Christianity or Judaism.

At the time there was no such religious belief as Islam. There was a mixture of recycled Christianity / Judaism/ Egyptian religions /traditional astrological beliefs and pre-Islamic worship combined.

Many Nestorian Christians and Jacobin Christians had to flee from the now Christian Roman Empire and found refuge in arabia. This posed a treath to the Catholic church of wanting supreme supremacy.

It is possible that the Catholic Church invented Islam to fight the onslaught of zealous Jews and Christians and to gain a foothold in the Biblical Holy-land called Israel/Palestine.

Near the end of the 6th Century, various men from Mecca, Medina and Taif, were searching for a more pure religion than the dominant polytheism so rampant in Arabia, especially at Mecca, they borrowed various doctrines and practices which appealed to them from the Jews, the heretical Nestorian Christians, and sundry pagans.

This mixture of dogmatism became the basis upon which they claimed to have made up a “pure” religion. Members of this new home grown diverse cult were called Hanifs and were strict monotheists who believed in a future life, with its eternal punishments and eternal rewards.
There were some Hanifs and perhaps Catholics in Khadijah's lineage while Waraqa and Mohamed were Hanifs.


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