Sunday, November 13, 2011

Protesters Have the Right to Protest … and to Resist Unlawful Arrest


Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

Copy of Comment to Washington Blog:

Andrea Murhrrteyn says:
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November 14, 2011 at 10:01 am
In your culture; whether an arrest is ‘legal’ or ‘illegal’ is a matter of interpretation. The judge will decide based upon the circumstances of each individual case, if the judge is impartial and not corrupt. In your totalitarian agriculture culture founded on exponential growth and rape of the commons, your entire political system is corrupt, because it has been and continues to reward those who abuse and rape the commons.

The OWS movement protests are nothing more than bandaid to braintumour public PR posturing. There is absolutely ZERO atttempt to address the root causes of your culture’s problem.

Let me give you an example: In my culture, ever member of our culture is required to take personal responsibility for our actions, thoughts, ideas, statements. We negotiate agreements with each other, until we have fully informed consent agreements. We DO NOT CALL THE POLICE, OR TAKE EACH OTHER TO COURT. We are ADULTS who DO NOT NEED NANNY POLICE AND NANNY COURTS; except when we deal with your CHILDISH CULTURE, where your culture’s members refuse to resolve issues like adults, honourably face to face.

In my culture, we HAVE NO POLICE; WE HAVE NO MURDERERS, WE HAVE NO COURTS, NO LAWYERS!! Every member of our culture makes a commitment when joining our culture, that they take personal responsibility for resolving their problems with any other member of our culture and will not refuse to resolve the problem.

You live in a culture that encourages political correctness, avoiding problem solving, living like parasites off problems that remain unsolved; where citizens act like children in refusing to resolve their problems with each other honourably and hence need nanny police, nanny courts, nanny judges, etc.

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

I was thinking about this, in the context of America's constitution, which according to Jon Roland, was founded on Natural Law principles (not frequently applied).

I thought what would I decided if hypothetically I was the Judge about these protestors 'illegal/legal' arrest.

I think -- for me -- it would depend on the motives of the protestor. If the protestor told me that they were protesting to demand welfare, and/or goverment medical and those kinds of things. I'd ask them: How long do you want welfare/medical for?

If he said: 20 years. I'd say: Lock him up for 20 years where he can get his free welfare and medical. He can be released soon as he decides he no longer demands the goverment provide him with this stuff free.

If he releases himself and is ever caught protesting in favour of these same demands, he should be removed from the genepool, as per his choice of removal.

Alternatively if the protestor provided me with evidence of their motivations to address the root causes of the crisis: exponential growth debt based fiat currency 'economic growth', tragedy of the commons liars and deceivers who breed at greater exponential rates than the conscientious, or whatever; and their concerns showed a sincere commitment to address the root causes; then I would order them released and irregularly arrested.

This would encourage the police and protestors to focus on root causes of the issues they protest about. It would focus media messages, since the protestors who are not arrested, are focussed on their root cause messages; while those arrested get to seriously confront their issues why they are so addicted to the bandaid to braintumour brigade.

I think it would make a very big difference in a very short time; by focussing all parties attentions on root causes of their disputes.

What do you think? ;-)