Monday, July 30, 2012

"We're Not Broke" Documentary


no one has kids to hurt anyone one economically.
families break up, fathers loose jobs, all unplanned and unpredictable events.
welfare costs america very little, and as a rich nation can afford it , we dontn eed a dog eat dog world. Do you know anyone working full time and still struggling to feed family and pay for health insrnace and heating ??? get out more, see the real american. welfare queens dont exist media lies.
the real waste is defense , america spends less than 10% of welfare


Paulines, when Rand Paul endorsed Romney, he confirmed what I suspected for months...RON PAUL IS CONTROLLLED OPPOSITION..Ron Paul Scottish Rite Freemason...funded by a Bilderberger Steering Group String Puller.
After Republican welfare reforms
260,000 children and their families were told that their membership in the SSI was under review
Marcus lost his welfare


a true government in a non  corporatist state represents the people and society.
if charities are so great why does america still have huge levels of poverty, the feds had to provide the food stamp programme, which is still minimal.
govt can reduce poverty just look at Germany/France vs USA poverty levels


stop being soo greedy, native americans had strong communities and took care of each other. They had public land where anyone could take his or her animals or plant crops.Even if they didnt, should we become savages survival of the fittest ?
Poverty is far higher in America in 2012 than it was in 1600


I've never seen so many ill informed comments relating to Tarpley. The man is not a Zionist shill. He's a treasure of information and informed intelligent opinion. I'm not an American, but believe me he's on your side. The mark of a civilized society is one which looks after it's most disadvantaged


That's incorrect. There is a provision in the constitution called the "general welfare" and "necessary and proper" clause (implied powers) which provide the federal government with the right and justification to operate in that fashion. Alexander Hamilton did the same as secretary of treasury-the federal government assumed the debt of the states (essentially a bailout). Remember we are one nation and it's the responsibility of the federal government to preserve the welfare of the union.


another populist argument from kokesh destroyed...
americans already let 45000 people die every year as a direct result of lack of healthcare... so yes, they are heartless and indifferent to other people's misery as individuals... sometimes it takes people with higher morals than the average selfish citizen to set long term objectives/standards, argue for it and enforce it. it's generally how all governments work and logistically it works for the best.


They broke due to the finance speculation, of rockefeller and rothchild, and the financial instruments such as derivates, if you take them out then you got a real government. So, you say they have a big government that's a lie, the big governments are in Asia for example and they are at a great condition.


The dream of the NWO is limited government, failed states or not states at all, have you read Marx he is an anarchist, and he was financed by the oligarchs. So...the solution is in libertarians or anarcho-capitalist inspired in the oligarch of David Ricardo? Surely not. So you want to stop Rockefeller, destroying the State so he and his collaborators, can take greater advantages from the people. The only way to protect the world is by organization, and that means a pseudo-state organization.


One of the most ignorant & misinformed statements I have read in recent months (and believe me, there has been some tough competition). Have you ever read his book "George Bush, The Unauthorized Biography"? Years before most people had even heard about the Nazi connection, Webster was writing about it. You can read the book online for free, but unlike your comment, Webster put years of research into his book. A clear illustration, that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing,..check your facts.

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